Aarau site
The Tumor Center Aarau is located on the second floor of the Hirslanden Medical Center in Aarau.
Our address:
Tumor Zentrum Aarau
2nd floor, Hirslanden Medical Center
Rain 34
5000 Aarau
Our opening hours (available by phone at +41 62 836 78 30):
Monday to Friday: 08.45-12.00 and 13.00-16.30
Outside these opening hours, contact the oncology specialist on call via the Hirslanden Klinik switchboard
T +41 62 836 70 00.
Site Lenzburg
Our address:
Tumor Zentrum Aarau
Niederlenzer Kirchweg 4
%&00 Lenzburg

Our opening hours (available by phone at +41 62 836 78 30):
Wednesday and Thursday: 08.00-12.00 and 13.00-17.00
Outside these opening hours, contact the oncology specialist on call via the Hirslanden Klinik switchboard
T +41 62 836 70 00.