The Tumor Center Aarau supports a comprehensive medical concept. Our orientation is patient-centered, on an equal footing with patients and focused on patient safety. Respectful interaction and seamless transitions in the ‘Continuum of Care’ optimize the treatment process.
Integrative oncology is a patient-centered, evidence-informed field of cancer therapy that uses mind-body procedures, natural products and/or lifestyle changes from different traditions, which accompany conventional cancer therapies.
Integrative Oncology seeks to promote health, quality of life, and clinical outcomes during and beyond the duration of cancer treatment. It therefore also includes oncological rehabilitation.
Complementary Medicine
Complementary medicine includes a variety of procedures that are used in addition to conventional classical medicine. These include vitamins, micronutrients, teas, phytotherapies and trace elements that are used as dietary supplements or treatment systems such as acupuncture, mind-body procedures, yoga, homeopathy, etc.
In contrast to complementary medicine, alternative medicine is a controversial and fuzzy collective term for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures that are outside conventional medicine. The term suggests that these methods can be used instead of conventional medicine. However, studies have often shown that alternative medicine leads to a worsening of the prognosis of patients. We do not recommend alternative medical treatments.
Patients who wish to receive complementary medical treatment in parallel with or after their antitumoral therapy have the opportunity to seek advice in our tumor center. Complementary medicine is individually adapted to antitumoral treatment. The basis for the consultation are evidence-based recommendations in oncology e.g. the DGHO, ESMO, ASCO, CAM Cancer, AGO.

Recommendations are also based on extended laboratory tests (including zinc, selenium, vitamin D, folic acid, B12, TSH, ferritin, hormone status, immune status) and may include e.g.
• Vitamin substitution (D, C, B12, etc.)
• Micronutrients (selenium, zinc, etc.)
• Medications useful for certain situations (metformin, statins, etc.)
• Food supplements, teas etc.
• Intestinal flora structure
Mind Body Medicine
Mind Body Medicine (MBM) is an innovative, integrative concept that connects the body with the psyche and conveys “self-care”. Multimodal therapy concepts are intended to reduce symptoms and strengthen self-healing powers. For this purpose, modern scientific findings and proven methods from complementary medicine, psychology, nutrition and sports sciences are combined.
MBM treatments are offered in disease-specific groups as well as for individual patients. Current research shows that interventions for lifestyle change in areas of stress reduction and e.g. movement exercises such as from yoga can sustainably improve the quality of life.

Fatigue syndrome, complex pain therapy and other therapies
A common and difficult-to-treat problem is the fatigue syndrome, a persistent tiredness/ exhaustion that can occur in all phases of the cancer journey and often requires multi-professional care. This care is offered as part of the Supportive / Palliative Care consultation.
Cannabis, mistletoe therapy and aromatherapy can be helpful additions in certain situations in palliative care and can be discussed with our specialists in the Supportive / Palliative Care consultation.
For many patients, spirituality is an important pillar for their well-being and quality of life. We try to capture the needs in this regard and pass them on to experts in pastoral care and psycho-oncology.